Veterans’ Benefits

Veterans’ Aid and Attendance

Aid and Attendance is a Department of Veterans Affairs benefit available to qualifying veterans and their surviving spouse. In order to qualify, a veteran must demonstrate a regular need for the assistance of a caregiver – or the need to live in a protected environment – because of physical or mental impairment. Assisted Living at Country Place Senior Living qualifies for this benefit.

Surviving spouses must be married to the veteran at the time of their death; divorcees are ineligible to apply.

Aid and Attendance pays up to $2,295 a month, but this benefit is largely unknown among the veteran community.

Despite honorably serving their country, thousands of veterans annually fail to take advantage of the benefits they sacrificed so dearly to earn. While these veterans and their surviving spouses can receive up to $2,120 a month in Veteran’s Aid and Attendance Benefits, it is all too often a confusing, time-consuming process to obtain them.

Message from our Resident

To help ensure that you receive the maximum benefits available, Country Place Senior Living has partnered with Assisted Senior Benefits to help beneficiaries negotiate the paperwork of accessing Veterans Affairs benefits. Country Place works with several organizations dedicated to helping Veteran families receive these benefits that they have earned. Let us help you in the process and connect you to these organizations that can help navigate this approval process.

These figures are maximum benefits and can be influenced by other factors, such as other benefits received and personal finances. However, it is not dependent upon service-related injuries for compensation. Aid and Attendance benefits are paid directly to the veteran or their surviving spouse.

To qualify, a veteran must have been on active duty for at least 90 days. They must also have served at least one day of active duty during a defined wartime period. Combat duty is not a requirement.

  • World War II – December 7, 1941 – December 31, 1946. Extended to July 25, 1947, with continuous active duty on or before December 31, 1946.
  • Korean War – June 27, 1950 – January 31, 1955
  • Vietnam War – August 5, 1964 – May 7, 1975. February 28, 1961 – May 7, 1975, for veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam.
  • Persian Gulf War – August 2, 1990 – undetermined.

It takes the Veteran’s Administration 3-5 months to process an application, so it is important to submit your paperwork correctly the first time. All payments are retroactive to the first month of submission of an application.

Veteran Qualification Form

Name of Person Completing(Required)
Periods of War Served In(Required)
Check All that Apply(Required)