Granddaughter and Grandmother Hugging and Spending Time Together

Fun Activities to Share with Grandchildren

Children and grandparents have a special bond. Spending quality time together will only strengthen that connection. As you think about ways to connect with your grandkids this summer, consider these fun activities to get you started.

Get Outside

If you’re able, take time to get outside in the sunshine with your grandkids. This can be as simple as picnicking at the park, discovering nature in the backyard, playing at a nearby playground or watching your grandchild’s baseball game. Check out your neighborhood’s event calendar and enjoy the farmers’ market, festivals or sporting events with your grandkids as an easy way to spend time together while exploring new places in town.

Share Your Interests

Teach your grandchildren something you love. Not only does it allow your grandchildren to know more about your hobbies and interests, but it also allows you to pass down your knowledge to them. For example, if you play the piano, teach them how to play. If you sew, consider making a quilt with your grandkids. Some activities could be as simple as solving a puzzle, doing crafts, watching movies, reading to each other or taking a walk.

Browse Old Photos

A great way to connect with your grandkids is to tell them about your family’s history. Show them old photos, share stories from your childhood or make a family tree. It’s a great way to reminisce on old memories while looking forward to the future with your grandkids.

Bake Together

Older adults who enjoy baking or cooking can turn it into a fun activity to do with their grandkids. Gather all the ingredients and teach your grandchildren how to cook a delicious meal or yummy cookies. Kids will have fun making treats in the kitchen, plus measuring ingredients and reading the instructions has educational benefits for kids as well.

Play Indoor Games

If the weather is bad, or if you have limited mobility, playing a game or two can be a fun and enjoyable way to spend time with grandkids. Introduce your grandchildren to some of your favorite classic board games or card games, like Go Fish and Scrabble. Games encourage healthy competition, boost confidence and help keep the mind active while you spend quality time with your grandchildren.

Country Place Senior Living Loves Kids

At Country Place Senior Living, we encourage grandkids and family members to visit their grandparents as much as possible. For information about our activities calendar and ways to connect with your loved ones, contact Country Place Senior Living today.

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